Moving forward has its upside and its downside. One moves into new endeavors, pushing ahead to learn new skills, try things one hasn’t yet learned before, and moves onto new accomplishments, however, there are also challenges that come with the development of new skills. As one encounters the inevitable pushes and pulls involved in stretching yet further, one may hear oneself say “Why me?” or “I’m too busy to …” or “Will I be able to…?” This seems to be a normal part of the process as one acquires new skills. Being patient with oneself may be in order. I suspect that until the new skills are developed and one’s abilities catch up to the needs in the new endeavor, old patterns will continue to emerge. Gently we can say to ourselves, “That’s okay. This too will pass.”
May we all be encouraged to endeavor to learn new skills fully aware that with this growth will come challenges, and that we can overcome these challenges with perseverance. It won’t be easy, but then again, that is the nature of new learning.
Please share in what ways you react when you are learning new skills and are challenged in your life.
Today I had an appointment with my osteopath for treatment. We talked about shifting and releasing patterns. As I move towards health, I have to remind myself that small setbacks do not mean that I am going backwards. I read it somewhere that ‘a step back is just part of the cha-cha’ – nothing to worry about, part of the dance.
As I move forward, I notice the patterns that I have developed from having a chronic illness for 5 years and am learning to consider that maybe all these thoughts and worry are not true for me anymore and I can let them go…
So – I am relearning what it means to be healthy and to take steps forward.
Thanks for your thoughtful post.
Dear Terri,
You posted this a while ago. I really appreciate that you took the time to share. I hope you both are doing well. Recently I have been on a journey of creating personal honesty about how I am being in the world. It is humbling, and more importantly, getting good results in interactions with others. Thank you for being a good example of listening!