A Message of Hope on Easter Sunday 2013

Hope? Why not?!

I woke this morning and thought to myself. Easter has such a wonderful message of hope for Christians. It seems to me like people filled with hope, whatever their faith, can take the positive energy of the Christians today and share in it if not offer their own hopeful energy to it.

I start with me.

I hope to continue learning about  sharing more and more over the year 2013 and continue growing and expanding the ability to encourage others to “grow personally and make connections,” my personal mission statement.

What’s yours? Whatever it is, you can start/ continue again today. What a positive day to do so.

Whether your Christian or not, the message of Easter is new beginnings, forgiveness, inspired renewal-chances to regroup and continue again.

I am inspired anew with hope that we can all hear a message of renewal. One of restarting our goals, interests and work toward achieving a world that is complete with all of us sharing in our differences-espcially that-sharing.

We live in a world filled with many people of various faiths, and it is filled at least for today, with the message of hope.

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