Good Day. Here is a poem that landed on me this week. It is called “Connection”
I draw up beside you; we’re together, you next to me.
We embrace the warmth of friendly, human contact, joy in sharing a moment together.
Standing together, I remove my coat and tie so that nothing can come between our raw, human togetherness, and we’re connected.
I wish to hug the world as brothers and sisters; our raw, fallible, humanness coming together, connected.
I’d like to take off my way of being that conflicts with your way of being. We’re connected.
What could we do if our raw, humanness touched the humanness of each other?
What could we do if we were the hope for each other that we want for ourselves?
What could we do if our ways of being like the discarded coat and tie didn’t come between our raw, humane connection?
With Joy,