Author Interview: 10,000 Lakes, 10,000 Authors podcast

Hi Everyone,

S. Collins Ellsworth , author of various books, interviewed me earlier this year.

Here is a link to her work on Amazon.


In conjunction with the launch of Japanese Ghost in America, I am please to share this interview with you. It gives insight into what the authors in Minnesota are up to, especially those of us in Carver County!

I have posted this in the category “Personal Development” since that is why I am an author to explore and share in what is learnt.

Author interview on 10,000 Lakes Blog:





The Mountain Approach: Coming from a calm place to embrace the world

I see people frustrated as they feel they have to struggle in the business of the modern world.

I, too, while teaching have so many considerations that at times it seems too much.

One thing I found to help recently is the mountain approach.

I envision before I have to teach or write a challenging email to someone or perhaps plan my schedule that this is useful.

Mountain Approach:

I am a mountain. I am solid and strong. I do not have anything to prove.

Rain rolls off of me. Bustling winds causes by the flurries and movements of the world blow over me. I am calm. I pause, think and if need, pause again.

Then, I act with compassion for myself and others.

We are in this together, and at least one of us is stable to meet a flurrying, flustered world.



Feeling Overwhelmed?

Here is a video addressing the question, “How can I make a difference in the world without being burned out?”

If this is you, please take a look at this 7 minute video.

I am going to clear my environment tonight, one of the nuts and bolts suggestion from this 7 minute video blog.

Joyfully calm,


Learn to Live

Yesterday a family pet was put down. This causes sadness for me and my family. It is also a chance to learn. So far several stages have been noted. I am sad for anything I did not do for “The Boy” or caused him discomfort.

Today, there was a change in feeling sad about what I “could have or should have done” to a recognition that I’d readily share so many things with him which brought out tears and feelings of joy.

There was and is much love for him in my heart. I hope to share this sense of love with all beings and more and more I hope to do this freely and readily. May all beings shine. Love DO

How does one get things done?

Have you considered how “organized” people get things done?
I have asked and observed them over the last eight months. What I found out is that they do things deliberately based on their priorities.
I look into my study. Oh my gosh. I see myself and it is a surprise. I am scurrying around; I stand up and then sit down to work, and then I stand up again only to find myself sitting back down to work at the computer. I have work to do for a favorite non-profit organization that of mine. I am not organized enough to start it….

I walk into the room and sit down in place of the “me” I had seen from outside the office.
I can do this. All it takes is a moment to gather my thoughts.
With so many emails, things to read and answer, it can be confusing even wondering where to begin.
I take a deep breath,
Consider my priorities,
and write out my list of most important things to achieve, realistically in the time I have-one hour.

I tackle one of my “big rocks”.
I go to bed settled since before I left the study, I wrote which items I needed to complete the next day.
There are more to do than this brief list held, but they will have to wait. They live in a to do list on my computer.

In loving kindness,

Collaboration: Authors Collective May 31, 2014

Why is collaboration such a big topic these days?
It’s simple really. It works.
That is what we do at the Authors Collective on the fourth Saturday of each month at the Chanhassen Public Library between 1:00 and 3:30PM.

Today, at the Authors Collective meeting at the Chanhassen Branch of the Carver County Library System, the Youtube channel, “Read My Thoughts” was presented by the creator or the channel. The creator is one of the Authors Collective members.

If you want to find out about local Minnesota Authors, please visit the channel on Youtube:
Read My Thoughts.

For upcoming Authors Collective Meetings, the schedule is as follows:
• June 28, 2014: Bring work to share, and give suggestions to each other. Look for updates regarding June in the next couple of weeks.
• July: No meeting because of River City Days. We are looking for someone to organize the Authors Collective and Writer’s Group booth at River City Days. Dan would do this, and will help, but cannot be there due to prior commitments.
• August 23, 2014: Doug Munson, developing dialogue in your work.


Courage takes many forms, sometimes it seems great and sometimes it’s long in coming through for us.
I wonder what example you may have of courageous exploration in your life?
Please post if you are so inspired.

I wrote some thoughts of mine today and shared them with some friends. I will post them here as food for thought.

Courage is:
Admitting the worst,
Being willing to strive for the best,
Accepting failure, even when it is great,
Being willing to continue on.
Admitting that you fear being so unworthy that those around you will tire of helping you, meeting with you or worst stop caring,

… and still showing up in life.

With appreciation and Love to those who’ve encouraged me in life,

Olympics: Not the Only Show in Town

Watching the Olympics and noting with fascination, anticipation and appreciation the slalom skiing competition. Enjoying the great efforts.
Reality check, too. I asked a Russian speaking man I know, “Are you watching the Olympics?” He said, “No, I’m watching Ukraine.” (He’s from Ukraine and glued to the events taking place there). May they work things out as peacefully as possible.

Moving Forward

Moving forward has its upside and its downside. One moves into new endeavors, pushing ahead to learn new skills, try things one hasn’t yet learned before, and moves onto new accomplishments, however, there are also challenges that come with the development of new skills. As one encounters the inevitable pushes and pulls involved in stretching yet further, one may hear oneself say “Why me?” or “I’m too busy to …” or “Will I be able to…?” This seems to be a normal part of the process as one acquires new skills. Being patient with oneself may be in order. I suspect that until the new skills are developed and one’s abilities catch up to the needs in the new endeavor, old patterns will continue to emerge. Gently we can say to ourselves, “That’s okay. This too will pass.”
May we all be encouraged to endeavor to learn new skills fully aware that with this growth will come challenges, and that we can overcome these challenges with perseverance. It won’t be easy, but then again, that is the nature of new learning.
Please share in what ways you react when you are learning new skills and are challenged in your life.